
Friday, April 2, 2010

A Living Sacrifice

I read the following story during my morning devotional and felt very moved and convicted by it. I thought you all might enjoy it as well.

There was a young girl named Mary and she suffered from a rare disease. She was at the point of death and the only hope of saving her life was through a blood transfusion. She had a rare type of blood and the only match that could be found was her little brother Johnny. The doctor sat down with Johnny and explained that his sister was seek and that if Johnny would give her his blood that she could live. Johnny sat there pondering what was being asked of him and the doctor saw his lip quiver and tears begin to well up in his eyes. The boy looked up to the doctor and said that he would do it. The doctors were relieved and immediately began the transfusion. With the two children hooked together the process began. The doctors could see Mary's condition improving as the blood entered her body. At this moment Johnny looked at the doctor and asked, “when am I going to die." The young man in those few moments as he pondered his decision made up his mind once and for all that he was going to give his life to save his sister.

The question was posed at the end of the devotion have we committed ourselves to serve Jesus with this same devotion? Would we serve him to the point of death like the apostles in Acts? Could we be beaten yet still rejoice and praise God? This is what He asks of us. This is the cost of serving. Jesus did this very act for us and I believe he asks for nothing less in return. Paul said that we should "Offer our bodies as a living sacrifice...this is your reasonable service." (Paraphrased) Romans 12:1 I hope y'all enjoy this! Happy Easter!

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