
Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Living Sacrifice

Everyday it seems that God is speaking to me about things in my life or revealing to me new insights into his scripture. Usually I write all of these thoughts down in my trusty notebook. Lately, I have had the desire to share these insights with others. I believe these thoughts could benefit other believers and those who are not. I will be un-apologetic about my beliefs. We are not to conform to this world but to be transformed.
I titled this blog A Living Sacrifice. I do this because Paul urged us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice. He then makes another outstanding statement. he says, "this is our reasonable service." Can you believe this guy? It is my reasonable service to offer my entire body as a sacrifice to God? The answer is yes. This is a very difficult thing to do. This is what we are called on to do. Give our bodies which is the most precious thing we have, to God. I believe the Bible tells us how to do this. I try to do this daily and am not always successful. My goal is to weekly post Bible studies and insights into God's word that will serve as an encouragement to other believers. I hope by reading this you will be convicted, blessed and encouraged. God Bless!

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