
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Does God Require of Us?

The moment we get saved is a time that we never forget. To know that we will spend an eternity in the presence of God brings about a feeling of great joy. If you think back to that time in your life you probably remember walking the aisle and afterwards other Christians shaking your hand and welcoming you into the family of God.
Sometimes the big issue after we are saved is we don't know what to do next. What should our direction be and what should we do next? Luckily, God gave us all of the answers in His word. In Leviticus God actually gives us a charge. What is a charge? Many of us remember that when we graduated school someone gave a speech and told us what was expected of us. Usually this was a charge. When we start a new job our new employer gives a charge that lets us know what is expected of us. Well we as Christians are no different because God gives us a charge. Leviticus 20, verses 7 and 8 say, "Consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am the Lord your God. Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the Lord, who makes you holy." From these verses God gives us to major duties.
First he says to be holy. The word holy means to be set apart. We are not to be like the world following all of the lusts and sinful desires in it. By following His laws and commands we will separate ourselves from the world, we are to be different. One of my favorite verses in Romans 12 backs this up when Paul tells us to present our bodies holy and acceptable to God and not to be conformed to the world but transformed. (paraphrased) We are to be different.
Secondly, He tells us to keep His decrees and FOLLOW them. We have to dig into the Word and find out what these decrees are and do what they say. If you read in the Old Testament you find out that God means what He says and that there are consequences for not doing it. Many Christians always say that they believe and love Jesus. This may be so or in some cases it may just be on the lips and not in the mind and heart. Jesus says in John 14 verses 23 and 24 that "he who loves me will obey my teaching. If you love me you will obey what I command." Do you keep God's decrees? Are they daily on your mind? As I told a Sunday School class once, we have the road map to living this life. It is the Bible. We have to use the map to get to our destination.
God has given us a charge to keep. To be holy through following His laws. We must study His word so that we are equipped to keep the charge. We should also disciple new believers so they know what is expected. Its not a one time recitation of a prayer. It is striving for a life of holiness. And luckily for us we have God's help to do this. He says that He is the Lord who makes us holy. We couldn't do this on our own and with the help of the Holy Spirit that He gives to believers we can strive for holiness and be successful. It takes an effort and work. I hope this helps you today as it has helped and spoken to me. Have a great day!

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